Domino’s Pizza Is More Than Just Dominoes
Domino is the name of a small rectangular game piece with one or more dots on each end. When stacked on their edges in long lines, dominoes can be knocked over to create intricate patterns and are often used for games of chance or skill. They are also the inspiration for the phrase “domino effect,” meaning that a single action can cause many more. Dominoes are so popular that professional domino shows exist where builders build amazing, intricate displays before a live audience.
The origin of the word is uncertain, but it has been associated with both Latin and Greek. One of the most common explanations is that it comes from the Latin word for “falling.” This would make sense, since falling dominoes are well known for their ability to create chains that can last for a long time after the first domino has fallen.
Although dominoes are most commonly thought of as a form of entertainment, they have been used in various mathematical applications and scientific investigations. For example, physicist Stephen Morris uses a domino model to describe how nerve impulses travel along axons within the body. By standing dominoes upright and nudgeing them, he is able to show how energy is converted from potential to kinetic and then back again as the next domino falls.
In his early years as CEO of Domino’s, Tom Monaghan understood that the key to success was in building the brand based on its core values. This meant focusing on listening to customers and employees. This strategy worked and in less than a decade, Domino’s had grown to over 200 locations.
Domino’s core value of Champing Our Customers is also reflected in its commitment to provide high quality, quick pizza delivery. This philosophy has been carried on by the company’s leadership, including current CEO Steve Doyle. Doyle understands the importance of delivering on customer expectations and is continuing to push the company in the right direction.
Another way Domino’s is demonstrating its commitment to its people and customers is by offering flexible scheduling. By doing this, the company is able to attract and retain top talent. This is the kind of innovation that can help a business stand out from the competition and grow rapidly.
There are a wide variety of domino games, from simple ones played with children to complex, strategic games designed for adults and children to play together. The most common domino sets are a double six set (28 tiles) and a double nine set, although larger sets of 190 tiles are available. Most domino games are categorized as blocking or scoring games, and some are adaptations of card games, which were once popular in areas that had religious prohibitions on playing cards.
Blocking games, such as matador, chicken foot and Mexican train, require players to take turns placing a domino tile on the edge of the table. Each player must then pick up the sleeping dominoes adjacent to the one they placed, adding them to their own set of dominoes.