Domino’s Pizza Is More Than Just Domino’s Pizza
Domino has become synonymous with a style of pizza that’s quick and affordable, but the brand has much more to offer than that. The company’s history and growth reveal important lessons about how to create a successful brand.
Domino’s first opened its doors in 1967, with just one location in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The chain’s success came from focusing on the right target audience and positioning itself in locations that would benefit most from fast pizza delivery, such as colleges and neighborhoods near schools. The chain’s expansion fueled its rapid growth, resulting in over 200 locations by 1978.
In addition to domino games, the tiles are often used to make art and structures, such as curved lines or grids that form pictures when they fall. They can also be stacked to create walls or towers. Some sets are made from woods like ebony, with contrasting black or white dots (called “pips”) inlaid or painted; others may use stone (such as marble, granite, or soapstone); metals; or even ceramic clay.
When people talk about the domino effect, they usually refer to a sequence of events that starts with one thing falling and then knocking over other things. A 1983 study by University of British Columbia physicist Lorne Whitehead proved that the power of this chain reaction is greater than most people realize – and it can be used to move or even lift objects up to a quarter of their size!
The word “domino” can also refer to a person or thing that is powerful, dominant, or influential. The earliest known usage of the term dates back to the 10th century AD, when it was used in Latin to mean “lord” or “master.” The meaning shifted over time and eventually became associated with a specific type of gaming piece, the domino.
Today, the Domino’s name and logo are well-known all over the world, thanks to the chain’s wildly successful pizza franchises. The company has been credited with changing the way Americans eat pizza and is often referred to as the most recognized pizza brand in the United States.
As a popular children’s game, domino is played by placing a single tile on top of another, then drawing additional tiles from a stock until all players have seven. The first player to complete a row of seven wins the game.
Domino has had many adventures over the years. She began her career as a member of the mutant mercenary group the Six Pack, led by Cable. When the Pack dissolved after a mission gone wrong in the Yucatan, Dom went her own way and ended up joining X-Force. The next time she appeared, it was in Civil War: X-Men #1, where she helped defeat the Red Queen and her minions, including Spiral, Chimera, and Lady Deathstrike.
Domino has an ability that she calls “luck.” This unconsciously controlled talent is triggered by stress and pressure, and it allows her to manipulate luck, thus creating beneficial outcomes or negative ones.