The Domino Effect
Domino is a game in which domino tiles, or tiles with an arrangement of dots on one side, are stacked on end in long lines. When one domino is tipped, it triggers the rest of the line to tip over in turn and can create very complex patterns. A very large domino setup can take several nail-biting minutes to fall, as a chain reaction takes place. This effect has led to the phrase, “the domino effect,” which refers to a series of events that lead to bigger–and sometimes catastrophic–consequences.
Dominos are often made of polymer clay, although some sets are made from natural materials such as bone, silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother of pearl), ivory, or a dark hardwood like ebony with contrasting black or white pips. Some set designers make them in a variety of shapes and sizes to add interest and variety to the game.
Some people enjoy making complex designs with dominoes, while others use them as toys for children. The game can also help develop counting skills, since each tile has a different number of spots on it. Some sets are even made with educational supplemental materials.
In order to successfully complete a domino project, a skilled domino artist must understand the laws of physics. Hevesh, an internationally renowned artist who has created a number of incredible setups, credits one physical phenomenon in particular for her success: gravity. This force pulls a knocked-over domino toward Earth, sending it crashing into the next domino and starting a chain reaction.
Hevesh also uses a simple tool called friction, which is the energy generated when two surfaces move against each other. When the top of a domino slides over the bottom of another, it generates heat and friction that gives the domino potential energy to push on the next domino in its line. Once that domino reaches its limit, it passes its inertia over to the next domino and begins moving.
The same principles of physics apply to business. When a company is struggling, it can help to focus on the company’s core values and listen to what its customers are saying. In the case of Domino’s, listening to its customers helped it refocus its strategy and get back on track. Domino’s CEO, David Brandon, listened to complaints and implemented new policies, such as a more relaxed dress code and leadership training programs, that were well-received by employees. After Brandon left the company, Doyle continued this emphasis on employee satisfaction.
In fiction, the Domino effect can be used to describe a character’s actions that affect the story in a way that makes them seem logical to readers. If a hero does something that goes against the rules, such as shooting a stranger or having an affair, writers must provide enough logic for readers to forgive this action. Otherwise, the scene won’t have a strong impact on readers. This is why many authors who prefer to write in a pantser style use software such as Scrivener to weed out scenes that aren’t logical or don’t advance the plot.