The Sidney Prize
The sidney prize is an award that honours those who are working hard towards their dreams. It is given to people who are able to make an impact on society, as well as encourage others to join them in their cause. Each sidney prize category has unique rules and requirements, so it is important to familiarise yourself with them before submitting an entry.
The prize is named after Dartmouth Professor Sidney Cox, who inspired students both inside and outside his classes. In order to commemorate his legacy, this prize was established to recognise undergraduate writing that best meets the high standards of originality and integrity that he set both for himself and his students. The prize is awarded each year during Phi Beta Kappa’s triennial council meeting.
Typically, the prize is awarded for literary work in a particular genre, such as poetry or plays. However, there are also a number of prizes for scientific research or social activism. There are even a few that are awarded to individuals, such as the Sydney Peace Prize which recognises leading global voices that promote peace and nonviolence. Previous winners include Patrick Dodson, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Arundhati Roy, Mary Robinson and Noam Chomsky.
In addition to the prestigious titles, the winners of the sidney prize receive significant amounts of money that they can use towards their future plans and also help to promote scientific knowledge – particularly those in biology or medicine – amongst the general public. Some winners also use their prize money to fund projects that help enrich people’s lives in their local area, ensuring that the good deeds that they are doing go on to benefit as many people as possible.
Overland magazine and the Malcolm Robertson Foundation host The Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize, an annual competition for which one author will win a $5,0000 prize and publication both online and in Overland; two runners-up are also honored with $750 awards. The judges are looking for stories loosely themed around travel, with the idea that they should reveal something about life beyond mere location and trip planning.
This year, art history major Sophia Jactel was the winner of the Sidney Prize for her paper entitled ‘Domesticity and Diversions: Josef Israels’ Smoker as a Symbol of Peasant Culture and Home in Nineteenth-Century Holland’. In her winning submission, she argues that the smokeer is a complex symbol of Dutch domesticity, a cultural identity constructed through the interplay of art, politics and everyday life.
The prize is named after Dartmouth professor Sidney Cox, who inspired students in and out of his classes and embodied the Phi Beta Kappa ideals with every class taught. In order to celebrate his legacy, this prize was established in his name to recognize undergraduate writing that meets the high standards of originality and integrity he set both for himself and his students.
This is the 73rd year that the Hillman Foundation has awarded the Sidney Prize, which recognizes journalists who engage in investigative reporting and deep storytelling for the common good. The winning journalists shed light on some of our time’s most pressing challenges, such as finding a foundation for lasting peace, accessing affordable housing and medical care, and fighting back against racial and economic injustice.