What is Domino?
Domino – A small, rectangular piece of wood or plastic, typically doubled in length and marked with an arrangement of one to six dots (or spots) on each end. A domino carries a value, indicated by its pattern and color of spots or pips, that determines what happens to it when it is placed in a particular spot in a sequence of dominoes. A complete set of dominoes contains 28 pieces.
Dominoes are cousins to playing cards and dice, enabling a large variety of games to be played with them. They have become popular in many cultures, partly because they are inexpensive and easily portable. They are also useful in circumventing religious proscriptions against the use of gambling devices.
Most people are familiar with the traditional game of domino, in which a player lays down a series of pieces that are either blank or have a number of dots on their ends to form a line or shape, and then takes turns adding more pieces to the line until it topples. Many different variants of the game exist, including blocking and scoring games as well as puzzle games. Other games involve arranging dominoes in lines or angular patterns, and some even require 3D structures like towers and pyramids.
Hevesh, the 20-year-old creator of YouTube channel Hevesh5, is a professional domino artist who designs and builds elaborate displays for movies, TV shows, events, and her own YouTube videos. Some of her most complex displays take several nail-biting minutes to fall. Her process is meticulous, requiring her to test each section of the display individually before assembling them together.
In her video “Domino Design,” Hevesh explains how she creates her intricate designs and how she makes sure they will work before putting them all together. Her goal is to create art that will delight and inspire her viewers.
When writing fiction, it is easy to think of scene dominoes as the individual scenes that make up a story. Each scene is insignificant on its own, but if you tip the first one just so, it will cause the others to fall in a cascade of rhythmic motion that naturally influences the next scene.
In a novel, scene dominoes can be characters, events, or objects that act as triggers for the action to come. They may also represent certain themes or statements, or they might function as a metaphor for how one thing affects another. Whatever they are, dominoes are a great way to structure a plot and keep the reader engaged in your story. For example, in a murder mystery, a character’s death could have a domino effect on the rest of the story. For example, the murderer’s actions might prompt a series of reactions from other characters that lead to the final showdown or revelation.